Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Just Plain Frustrated" Video

In this video, Wesley get's a little frustrated with the headphones. It's pretty funny.

Mommy and Daddy

This is Mommy and Daddy at Mommy's 20th High School Reunion dinner in Scottsboro, Alabama on Saturday, September 27th. They look like they are having a good time!

A Few Minutes at the Park

Andi the Artist

This is something that Andi has been very proud of these days.....drawing something that mom and dad can actually identify what it is. She is also beginning to write her ABC's on paper. Ok....actually just her A's, but we will get to her B's soon!

Wesley's new glasses

Wesley decided he needed to start wearing glasses. He prefers to wear Mr. Potato Head's glasses.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

pics taken with phone

These pics were taken while we were waiting to get our haircuts. We especially like the pic of Andi....the way the natural light is hitting her face.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just trying to fit in!

Stopped at a red light and turned around to check on the kids and the dogs....this is what I saw. It just looked funny. Wish I could have gotten the kids in the frame.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A smile that will melt your heart!

Roll Tide!

Wes insists on wearing daddy's hat.

This chair has history

This is the same chair that Steve's dad sat in when he was a little boy with his feet braced up underneath the arms of the chair. This chair sits in Wesley's western themed room. He has discovered his love for books now.

Cool Daddy!

Just chill'n and eating my fig newton! Who you looking at?

When Steve walked into the kitchen this morning this is what he saw. It was Andi wrapped up in a towel because she was cold. Looked more like something out of a scary movie.

Wesley riding horsey!

Trying out this blog thing

Chris and I have decided to keep everyone posted with our happenings here in Mobile with a blog. We plan to include the very latest pics of the family and keep everyone posted as to how each member of the family is doing. Primarily we plan to highlight the kids throughout this blog mainly because they seem to be growing up so fast before our eyes. While we can't see all of you when we would like, we hope this will help you stay in touch with us and be kept up on the progress of the kids.